Black Athletes Matter

Today (h. 14.30/18) I gave the talk Black Athletes Matter. Sport, devianza e rappresentazioni mediali degli atleti afroamericani [Black Athletes Matter. Sport, deviance and media representations of African American athletes], at the third and last meeting of the seminar Filmologia, Comunicazione e Sociologia dello Sport [Filmology, Communication and Sociology of Sport], whose theme was Devianza e integrazione [Deviance and Integration]. I talked with Matteo Cardinali (University of Perugia), Isabella Corvino (University of Perugia), Vincenzo Del Gaudio (University of Salerno), Eduardo Lubrano (journalist), Giuseppe Albeggiani (manager).
The seminar was organized by the University of Perugia (Department of Medicine, Degree Course in Science and Techniques of Motor Activity).
It was an excellent opportunity to describe how, until the 1980s and 1990s, American White society, in many cases, followed strategies of medial construction of deviance for black professional athletes. In addition, I analyzed the film He Got Game (1998) as an attempt to revise dominant cultural discourses regarding the deviance of black athletes: rather than focusing on reinforcing racial stereotypes associated with individual bias, director Spike Lee highlights the social and economic roots of deviant behavior.

Media and Sport

On Monday 11 January (h. 14.30 – 16.30) I held a seminar entitled La mediatizzazione dello sport [The mediatization of sport] at the course of Pedagogia e sociologia nelle scienze motorie (Pedagogy and sociology in motor sciences) at the University of Pisa. I would like to thank Prof. Enrico Campo for the kind invitation and the students for their participation.

The Experience of Images in the Covid-19 Age

On Tuesday 20th October (11 am) I will take part in the course on Immagine, brand, consumi e pubblicità [Image, Brand, Consumption and Advertising] at the Department of Humanities, Communication and Tourism of the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, for the seminar L’esperienza delle immagini al tempo del Covid [The experience of images at the time of Covid]. Starting from my book Postspettatorialità. L’esperienza del cinema nell’era digitale [Postspectatorship. The Experience of Cinema in the Digital Age], I will discuss the complex processes in which we are co-implicated in our daily relationship with the media imaginary. Thank you very much, for the welcome invitation, Professor Giovanni Fiorentino.