Gomorrah and its Contested Authorship

The volume Oltre l’adattamento? Narrazioni espanse: intermedialità, transmedialità, virtualità [Beyond Adaptation? Expanded Narratives: Intermediality, Transmediality, Virtuality] (il Mulino, 2020), edited by Massimo Fusillo, Mirko Lino, Lucia Faienza and Lorenzo Marchese, has just been published.
Inside you can read my essay Marchio di serie. L’authorship contesa nell’ecosistema narrativo di Gomorra [Trademark of Series: Contested Authorship in the Narrative Ecosystem of Gomorrah].
The book also contains essays by Gino Frezza, Mirko Lino, Gianluigi Rossini, Emanuela Piga Bruni, Federico Zecca, Giancarlo Grossi, Beatrice Seligardi, Emiliano Morreale, Anna Chiara Corradino, Enrico Fantini, Lorenzo Marchese, and Lucia Faienza.

Problemi dell’Informazione

I’m really happy to announce the publication of the paper Il giornalismo sportivo locale, tra struttura economica, autorità culturale e tifo transmediale. Il caso dei quotidiani online sul CalcioNapoli [Local sports journalism: economic structure, cultural authority and transmedia fandom. The case of online newspapers about Calcio Napoli]. The paper was conceived and developed by Luca Bifulco (University of Naples “Federico II”), Mario Tirino and Simona Castellano (University of Salerno) and it has just been published in the 3/2020 issue of the scientific journal Problemi dell’Informazione, edited by Francesca Pasquali and Maria Francesca Murru (University of Bergamo) and dedicated to local information.
The study was conducted on the basis of an extensive content analysis of the contents published by online newspapers and of ten hermeneutic interviews with ten editors of local newspapers, whom I would like to thank publicly here: Antonio Petrazzuolo [Napoli Magazine], Francesco Molaro [Tuttonapoli. net], Salvio Passante [CalcioNapoli 24], Alessandro Sepe [Area Napoli], Massimiliano Gallo [Il Napolista], Ciro Troise [I Am Naples], Sabrina Uccello and Celeste Maione [CalcioNapoli 1926], Pasquale Giacometti [Spazio Napoli], Gennaro Giugliano [Mondo Napoli], Alessandro Sacco [Il Napoli Online].

The Handmaid’s Tale

Out now the paper Le Ancelle e noi. Immaginario, distopia e corpo delle donne nell’ecosistema
narrativo di
The Handmaid’s Tale [The handmaids and Us. Imaginary, dystopia and women’s body in The Handmaid’s Tale narrative ecosystem], published in the book La violenza spiegata. Riflessioni ed esperienze di ricerca sulla violenza di genere [The violence explained. Reflections and research experiences on gender-based violence] (FrancoAngeli, 2020), edited by Felice Addeo and Grazia Moffa.
This is the abstract of my essay:

As a tool of aggregation of the cultural anxieties of the time (Muzzioli 2007), dystopian stories are an example of the faculties of the imaginary to symbolize fears and hopes (Durand 1998). The narrative ecosystem of The Handmaid’s Tale, formed by Margaret Atwood’s novels and the TV series, represents a significant research object, since, on the one hand, it recounts some of the most relevant issues for the feminist movements of the 21st century – female oppression, post-apocalyptic transformation of Western societies (Berger 1999), forms of resistance to patriarchy – and, on the other hand, it feeds transmedia performances of cosplayers dressed as “handmaids”, thus revealing the power of images conveyed by audiovisual media in the processes of re-mythologization of the world (Morin 2016), through forms of struggle, protest, claim.
Keywords: Dystopia, Feminism, TV Series, Imaginary, Transmedia

Robert Michels

I am very happy to announce that the volume Robert Michels. Un intellettuale di frontiera [Robert Michels. A frontier scholar] (Meltemi, 2020), edited by Raffaele Federici and published in the series “Motus. Studi sulla società”, directed by Angelo Romeo, is out now. Along with many essays written by scholars who have approached the work of the sociologist from different perspectives, there is also my paper Parigi o della modernità. L’esperienza della metropoli nella sociologia di Michels e Benjamin [Paris or modernity. The experience of the metropolis in the sociological studies by Michels and Benjamin].

Cinediario by Paolo Puppa

In the magazine of cultural studies Quaderni d’Altri Tempi my review- essay L’infinito potere vitale posseduto dai nostri film, dedicated to the small book Cinediario. Cinema in forma di fiabe un po’ patologiche [Cinediary. Cinema in the the form of fairy tales a bit pathological] (Oèdipus, 2020), by Paolo Puppa, professor of Theatre History at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. The book is published in the editorial series “Corpo900”, directed by Alfonso Amendola and Pasquale De Cristofaro, with a preface by Gino Frezza.
The text can be read at http://www.quadernidaltritempi.eu/paolo-puppa-cinediario/.

Almas de lo “mediable”

Comics. Almas de lo visible (Ediciones Marmotilla, p. 260, € 20) by Gino Frezza came out in June (more info: http://lamarmotilla.com/publicaciones/item/29-comics-almas-de-lo-visible.html). This is the Spanish translation of Fumetti, anime del visibile [Comics: Souls of the Visible] (Meltemi, 1999), a fundamental book for comics theory. In 2018 Fumetti, anime del visibile was republished by Alessandro Polidoro Editore, as the first volume of the editorial series “L’Eternauta. Collana di studi su fumetti e media” [The Eternaut: Studies about Comics and Media], directed by Gino Frezza, Mario Tirino and Lorenzo Di Paola. Within the 2018 reissue there is my introduction, entitled Anime del “mediabile” [Souls of the Mediable], now readable also in Spanish with the title Almas de lo “mediable”.

Thanks to Kiko Saez de Adana, who strongly wanted this Spanish edition.

Online Hate Speech

My friend Angelo Vaccariello asked me a brief reflection on the phenomenology of online hate for the online newspaper Il Caudino. I tried to condense my remarks in the article, entitled Odio on line contro Silvia Romano? Non dipende solo dai social media [Online Hate against Silvia Romano? It’s not just a social media problem], which you can read at https://ilcaudino.it/odio-on-line-contro-silvia-romano-non-dipende-solo-dai-social-media-uid-4/?fbclid=IwAR14QYX9tgv90p84qqxCF2wAb99FfXeCNzGnH48DzNTc3P6_3q3S-k8_Nxk.


From tomorrow in bookstores and online my book Postspettatorialità. L’esperienza del cinema nell’era digitale [Postspectatorship. The Cinema Experience in the Digital Age] (Meltemi, 448 pp., €25, with a preface by Gino Frezza). The book is part of the editorial series “Motus”, directed by Angelo Romeo, with an international scientific committee and a double blind peer-review system.


The volume L’ultimo Simmel. Esiti e aperture di un percorso intellettuale [The Last Simmel. Outcomes and openings of an intellectual path] (Meltemi), edited by Fabio D’Andrea and Maria Caterina Federici, will soon be available in bookstores. The book hosts the essay Forme estetiche e forme sociali nell’ultimo Simmel [Aesthetic forms and social forms in the last Simmel], by Alfonso Amendola and Mario Tirino.


The book La cultura del falso. Inganni, illusioni e fake news [The Culture of Falsehood. Deceptions, illusions and fake news], edited by Andrea Rabbito (Meltemi, 2020), is about to be distributed in bookstores.
Inside the book about thirty essays, including my Bassa risoluzione, rappresentazioni della realtà e guerre mediali. Il caso Redacted di Brian De Palma [Low resolution, representations of reality and media wars. Brian De Palma’s Redacted].