
In the last few days videos of some speeches held in recent weeks at conferences, seminars and book presentations have been made available online.

You can watch online:

  1. the video of my lecture Supereroismo, disabilità e alterità: il (super)potere di Daredevil [Superheroism, disability and otherness: the (super)power of Daredevil], as part of the webinar Eroismo, diritto e disabilità: il caso di Daredevil [Heroism, law and disability: the case of Daredevil], organized by the Institute of Law, Politics and Development of Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa (SSSA) and held on Wednesday 11 November. Introduction by Prof. Giuseppe Martinico (SSSA), coordinator Paolo Addis (SSSA), other lecture by Prof. Maria Giulia Bernardini (University of Ferrara). Link:

2. the video of the presentation of Postspettatorialità. L’esperienza del cinema nell’era digitale [Postspectatorship: The Cinema Experience in the Digital Age] (Meltemi, 2020) in the framework of the cultural exhibition L’aperitivo sociologico, held on Tuesday 10 November. Moderator: Angelo Romeo (University of Perugia). Discussant: Alfonso Amendola (University of Salerno), Giovanni Fiorentino (University of Tuscia in Viterbo). Link:

3. the video of the two lectures held at the online conference Reti, media e culture post-Covid [Post-Covid networks, media and cultures], organized by the section Cultural Processes and Institutions (PIC) of AIS – Italian Association of Sociology, in panel 5 (Media, discorsi pubblici e immaginari sociali [Media, public discourses and social imaginaries]):

a) Covid-19 e processi di mediazione, pre-mediazione e post-mediazione: la pandemia tra immaginario mediale e immaginario sociale [Covid-19 and processes of mediation, pre-mediation and post-mediation: the pandemic between media imaginary and social imaginary] (with Lorenzo Denicolai)

b) Il tifo transmediale al tempo del Covid-19: il fantacalcio tra affetti comunitari e processi sociomediali [Transmedial sports fandom at the time of Covid-19: the fantasoccer between community affections and socio-medial processes] (with Simona Castellano).


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