Problemi dell’Informazione

I’m really happy to announce the publication of the paper Il giornalismo sportivo locale, tra struttura economica, autorità culturale e tifo transmediale. Il caso dei quotidiani online sul CalcioNapoli [Local sports journalism: economic structure, cultural authority and transmedia fandom. The case of online newspapers about Calcio Napoli]. The paper was conceived and developed by Luca Bifulco (University of Naples “Federico II”), Mario Tirino and Simona Castellano (University of Salerno) and it has just been published in the 3/2020 issue of the scientific journal Problemi dell’Informazione, edited by Francesca Pasquali and Maria Francesca Murru (University of Bergamo) and dedicated to local information.
The study was conducted on the basis of an extensive content analysis of the contents published by online newspapers and of ten hermeneutic interviews with ten editors of local newspapers, whom I would like to thank publicly here: Antonio Petrazzuolo [Napoli Magazine], Francesco Molaro [Tuttonapoli. net], Salvio Passante [CalcioNapoli 24], Alessandro Sepe [Area Napoli], Massimiliano Gallo [Il Napolista], Ciro Troise [I Am Naples], Sabrina Uccello and Celeste Maione [CalcioNapoli 1926], Pasquale Giacometti [Spazio Napoli], Gennaro Giugliano [Mondo Napoli], Alessandro Sacco [Il Napoli Online].


On Wednesday 23 December (6pm) the webinar Maradona. Un mito tra società, media e consumi [A myth between society, media and consumption], was held. The webinar was organized by the magazine Inside Marketing as part of the “Inside Talk” series. During the meeting, moderated by Pina Meriano (director of Inside Marketing) and with the participation of Simona Castellano (doctoral student at the University of Salerno), there were reports by Gianfranco Pecchinenda (professor of Sociology of Cultural Processes at the University “Federico II” of Naples), Luca Bifulco (professor of Sociology of Sport at the University “Federico II” of Naples) and Mario Tirino (University of Salerno).


On Tuesday 15 December (3 p.m. – 5 p.m.) I held the online seminar Mediologia della serialità: Netflix [Mediology of seriality: Netflix] for the course of Mediologia della letteratura, dell’arte e dello spettacolo (Prof. Giovanni Ragone) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

CONI Prize 2020

On Wednesday, December 9, the award ceremony for the 54th Concorso Letteario [Literary Competition] promoted by CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) took place.
In the Tecnica [Tecnique] section was awarded the volume Sport and Social Sciences [Sport and Social Sciences] (Rogas, 2019), edited by me and Luca Bifulco. For the first time, the prize was awarded by the specialist jury to a volume on the sociology of sport. The ceremony was attended by the president of CONI, Giovanni Malagò. The official CONI press release on the award ceremony can be read at this link:,-sportivi-e-giornalistici-malag%C3%B2-tradizione-che-ha-scritto-la-nostra-storia.html.

Postspettatorialità – Interview 3

Alessandra Corbetta, university lecturer and journalist, interviewed me for the webmagazine Gli Stati Generali, starting from the themes of my book Postspettatorialità. L’esperienza del cinema nell’era digitale [Postspectatorship: The Cinema Experience in the Digital Age] (Meltemi, 2020). The interview, published on Thursday, December 10, can be read at the link:

The Handmaid’s Tale

Out now the paper Le Ancelle e noi. Immaginario, distopia e corpo delle donne nell’ecosistema
narrativo di
The Handmaid’s Tale [The handmaids and Us. Imaginary, dystopia and women’s body in The Handmaid’s Tale narrative ecosystem], published in the book La violenza spiegata. Riflessioni ed esperienze di ricerca sulla violenza di genere [The violence explained. Reflections and research experiences on gender-based violence] (FrancoAngeli, 2020), edited by Felice Addeo and Grazia Moffa.
This is the abstract of my essay:

As a tool of aggregation of the cultural anxieties of the time (Muzzioli 2007), dystopian stories are an example of the faculties of the imaginary to symbolize fears and hopes (Durand 1998). The narrative ecosystem of The Handmaid’s Tale, formed by Margaret Atwood’s novels and the TV series, represents a significant research object, since, on the one hand, it recounts some of the most relevant issues for the feminist movements of the 21st century – female oppression, post-apocalyptic transformation of Western societies (Berger 1999), forms of resistance to patriarchy – and, on the other hand, it feeds transmedia performances of cosplayers dressed as “handmaids”, thus revealing the power of images conveyed by audiovisual media in the processes of re-mythologization of the world (Morin 2016), through forms of struggle, protest, claim.
Keywords: Dystopia, Feminism, TV Series, Imaginary, Transmedia

Bike and Society

Thursday, November 26 (17 – 19.30) will be held on Zoom the conference Bike and Society. Una rete di ricerca sulla bici come veicolo di innovazione sociale [Bike and Society. A research network on cycling as a vehicle of social innovation], organized by the Department of Social Sciences of the University “Federico II” of Naples, CNR – IRPPS (National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies), City of Naples, University of Amsterdam, Naples Bike Festival, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Audax Randonneur Italy.
Introduction: Stefano Consiglio (Director of the Department of Social Sciences of the University “Federico II” of Naples), Dewi Wan de Weerd (Vice Ambassador Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Reports by: Paolo Landri (CNR – IRRPS), Marco Te Broemellstroet (University of Amsterdam), Eleonora Belloni (University of Siena), Maria Cristina Caimotto (University of Turin), Luca Simeone (President of the Cycling Table of the City of Naples), Giuseppe Gallina (Audax Randonneur Italy).
Interventions: Paolo Magaudda (University of Padua), Annamaria Zaccaria, Fabio Corbisiero, Dario Minervini, Francesco Pirone, Luca Bifulco (University “Federico II” of Naples), Mario Tirino (University of Salerno).
Conclusions: Luca Bertolini (University of Amsterdam).


In the last few days videos of some speeches held in recent weeks at conferences, seminars and book presentations have been made available online.

You can watch online:

  1. the video of my lecture Supereroismo, disabilità e alterità: il (super)potere di Daredevil [Superheroism, disability and otherness: the (super)power of Daredevil], as part of the webinar Eroismo, diritto e disabilità: il caso di Daredevil [Heroism, law and disability: the case of Daredevil], organized by the Institute of Law, Politics and Development of Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa (SSSA) and held on Wednesday 11 November. Introduction by Prof. Giuseppe Martinico (SSSA), coordinator Paolo Addis (SSSA), other lecture by Prof. Maria Giulia Bernardini (University of Ferrara). Link:

2. the video of the presentation of Postspettatorialità. L’esperienza del cinema nell’era digitale [Postspectatorship: The Cinema Experience in the Digital Age] (Meltemi, 2020) in the framework of the cultural exhibition L’aperitivo sociologico, held on Tuesday 10 November. Moderator: Angelo Romeo (University of Perugia). Discussant: Alfonso Amendola (University of Salerno), Giovanni Fiorentino (University of Tuscia in Viterbo). Link:

3. the video of the two lectures held at the online conference Reti, media e culture post-Covid [Post-Covid networks, media and cultures], organized by the section Cultural Processes and Institutions (PIC) of AIS – Italian Association of Sociology, in panel 5 (Media, discorsi pubblici e immaginari sociali [Media, public discourses and social imaginaries]):

a) Covid-19 e processi di mediazione, pre-mediazione e post-mediazione: la pandemia tra immaginario mediale e immaginario sociale [Covid-19 and processes of mediation, pre-mediation and post-mediation: the pandemic between media imaginary and social imaginary] (with Lorenzo Denicolai)

b) Il tifo transmediale al tempo del Covid-19: il fantacalcio tra affetti comunitari e processi sociomediali [Transmedial sports fandom at the time of Covid-19: the fantasoccer between community affections and socio-medial processes] (with Simona Castellano).



Wednesday, November 11 (5.00 p.m.) I will hold the lecture Supereroismo, disabilità e alterità: il (super)potere di Daredevil [Superheroism, disability and otherness: the (super)power of Daredevil], as part of the webinar Eroismo, diritto e disabilità: il caso di Daredevil [Heroism, law and disability: the case of Daredevil], organized by the Institute of Law, Politics and Development of Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa (SSSA). Introduction by Prof. Giuseppe Martinico (SSSA), coordinator Paolo Addis (SSSA), other lecture by Prof. Maria Giulia Bernardini (University of Ferrara).
Contacts and registrations: Prof. Giuseppe Martinico (

Aperitivo sociologico

Tuesday, November 10 (16.30) as part of the program L’aperitivo sociologico will be presented my book Postspettatorialità. L’esperienza del cinema nell’era digitale [Postspectatorship: The Cinema Experience in the Digital Age] (Meltemi, 2020). I will discuss it together with prof. Giovanni Fiorentino (University of Tuscia – Viterbo) and prof. Alfonso Amendola (University of Salerno), moderated by prof. Angelo Romeo (University of Perugia), creator and curator of the program.
The event can be followed on Facebook ( and on YouTube channels of “L’aperitivo sociologico”.